Let’s Pack For This!

As if we aren’t totally addicted to our devices already! If you aren’t yet… this might do the trick. These 7 best travel guide APPS will help smooth out bumps in the road saving you from stress and wasted time on your vacations! Simplify and organize your trip before the wheels have even left the ground by using these 7 APPS. Where to eat, attractions you don’t want to miss out on, reservations available at the press of a button… trust me, these APPS will do it all.


This one just makes SENSE (or cents… see what I did there?). We live and breathe DOLLARS. Not everyone does… some live and breathe Euros or Dirhams. Bhat or Yen. Pesos or Pounds. Wherever you’re going and whatever the currency, this APP will allow you to type in the value/cost of something and it will automatically translate it to USD. Along the way you may start to get the hang of the conversion in your head…but until then, This trusty APP will keep your confusion at bay and prevent you from overpaying!


You’re going someplace entirely foreign. Yay!! What the heck do you pack for this far off, unfamiliar land? This trusty App will tell you! You can assure you’ll be efficiently packed and organized for potential weather you may encounter. Seriously… you just enter your destination and the length of your trip. Packing Pro will serve up a list of necessities, divided into categories. They also supply a to-do list to refer to before you go, just to make sure you’ve got those last minute items…ahem… passport? For more great packing ideas, check out these other articles we have. CARRY-ON ESSENTIALS PACKING TIPS


Remember that far off land with the crazy looking money? They might have crazy sounding language too! Ok, so you’ve brushed up on a few key phrases… this makes you a smart traveler. Great job! Now, download this essential App and become a SAVVY traveler too! Google Translate will come in handy when speaking with a local trying to find directions, instructions on transportation, when ordering food… almost ANYTIME! This APP will translate 100 languages right on your phone. It can even translate text without a data connection (requires you to download the translation file prior to being offline). Another cool feature is it has the ability to translate text if you point the camera at a sign in a foreign language!


This App tracks worldwide flights, showing live maps showing cancellations, gate changes and delays. Check it before heading to the airport in case your flight is delayed… you can spend more time exploring! It’s as simple as entering your flight number to receive real-time notifications regarding your airplane’s activity. The maps show possible weather patterns that could cause an upcoming delay as well. 


If it’s a road trip you are taking, this is one of the best travel guide apps to assist you at every bend in the road! After downloading, plug in your starting point and destination. You not only get directions but an entire road trip itinerary of recommendations along the way! Restaurants, hotels, campgrounds, points of interest, etc. If you have just planned a last minute road trip, this is extra helpful due to the lack of prep time! Roadtrippers will be your instant travel guide and ensure you make the most of your trip!


Even at home, I am NOT a chain restaurant lover. I like to support local business and feel the service is often better along with locally sourced food items! Fresher is better! While traveling, this should be a hard rule. NO CHAIN RESTAURANTS. The best part of exploring a new destination is often succumbing to their culture which includes food! LocalEats is the go-to app for hungry foodies looking to discover delicious meals. This best travel guide app will even filter down the price range, neighborhood, bar info, and patio availability. I love a good rooftop bar!


One of the best travel guide apps out there is TripIt. TripIt is the most essential app I can recommend. I left it to the last so that it can punctuate how essential it is. The Grand Finale. The Coup de Gras! TripIt organizes your ENTIRE travel itinerary in one trusty app. ALL your reservations including flights, car rentals, hotels, restaurants, train tickets… you get the point. Arranged by date and time, this app creates a categorized list after you forward your reservations to plans@tripit.com. It’s ideal while on the road because, with the push of a button, you can quickly see your master itinerary or look up a confirmation number. As a bonus, it also makes it easy to share your itinerary so that others can keep up with your busy legs!

Let’s Unpack This!

You’re pretty awesome at planning your trips. You love getting to your destination and hitting the ground running! Me too!! It’s easy to get swept up in the surrounding excitement and no matter how organized in your head you were BEFORE you set out… it never hurts to have some helpful tools to stay organized. Download these 7 best travel guide apps and you will have your many travel assistants working for you at the push of a button! I know a huge part of vacation and travel is NOT having a PERFECT PLAN or a  heavily organized schedule. Organization isn’t about perfection… it’s about efficiency, which reduces stress and often saves time and money!